Weekly post #56 – ManageBac subject pages, Sites updates and the iPhone 14
ManageBac subject pages
ManageBac is working to development more community around the use of the platform. Expect to see various community focused initiatives over the coming months.
Something to check out straight way are subject pages.
Log into ManageBac → from your Home page → click on → Curriculum → Explore Subjects → then either use the search box or look through until you find the subject you are looking for.
You will find a page which includes an external newsfeed, resources from ManageBac, resources from the IB as well as additional resources suggested by the 'Subject Leader'.
Google Sites updates

There has been a recent slew of Google Sites updates. Here they are with links to the necessary explanations and support →
Embed content as a full page in new Google Sites → Site editors can now add content as a full page from the following sources: custom code, other websites, and Google apps, such as Maps and Docs.
Import existing custom themes to new Google Sites → You can now import a custom theme from one new Google Site to another.
Adjust spacing between content in Sites using new density theme setting → Site editors using new Google Sites can now adjust the spacing between the content on their site with a custom theme setting that offers Compact, Cozy, or Comfortable spacing options.
Conveniently connect site visitors with social channels in new Sites → Site editors can now insert stylized social media links into pages within their site.
Wiki2Map is a useful research tool. It takes a Wikipedia page that you give it and turns it into a mind map.

Certainly useful you helping break down a 'big' topic or idea.
Apple's iPhone 14 event
Consumer electronics → this week saw the annual Apple iPhone announcement. If you missed the hour+ long event check out this 8 minute super-cut: