Weekly post #54 - Filter views, dropdown chips and pause before you share online!
How to use Google Sheets Filter Views
If you get shared a Google Sheets spreadsheet with loads and loads of data on it and decide to filter the view - you are doing that for everybody who visits that spreadsheet.
This situation is why 'Filter views' has been added to Google Sheets.
Watch this video →
Read more here → Chrome Unboxed - How to use Google Sheets Filter Views to analyze data without screwing it up for everyone else [15 April 2022]
Use new table templates and dropdown chips in Google Docs
You can use dropdown chips, in Google Docs, to easily indicate the status of your document or various project milestones outlined in your document. There are two default dropdown options:
- Project Status, which includes selections for “Not Started”, “Blocked”, “In Progress” and “Complete”
- Review Status, which includes selections for “Not Started”, “In Progress”, “Under Review” and “Approved”.
Additionally, you can create a dropdown chip with custom options and colours to best suit your needs.
Google has also adding table templates, which allow you to quickly insert building blocks for common workflows such as a:
- Launch content tracker
- Project asset
- Review tracker
- Product roadmap
Read more here → Google Workspace Updates - Use new table templates and dropdown chips in Google Docs to create highly collaborative documents [2 May 2022]
Level up your padlet skills with a variety of keyboard shortcuts and editing tricks
Mouse shortcuts:
- Drag and drop a file: Open the post composer with content inside.
- Drag and drop multiple files: Open multiple post composers, each with one of the files. Click the icon on the right to publish all drafts.
- Double-click on padlet: Open post composer
- Double-click on post: Edit post
- Double-click on padlet title: Edit padlet settings
Keyboard shortcuts:
- C: Create a new post
- Cmd/Ctrl + Enter: Publish current post
- Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Publish current post and start a new post
- Esc: Close post composer
Read more here → padlet.blog - Triumphant tips and tricks [20 April 2022]