Four things to check out

All teaching staff now have (continued) use of G Suite Enterprise for Education. The main tools that this service offers you are to be found in Google Meet - and this post will explore the four main tools below.

Beyond breakout rooms, polls, Q&A and automatic attendance registers - you can lead larger meetings (up to 250 participants), you can live streaming to 100,000 in-domain ( viewers and you can record meetings that you lead.

You should not be recording meetings without good reason and the permission of all those involved in the meeting.

Breakout rooms

You, as a Meet organizer with a Enterprise for Education account, can use breakout rooms to divide participants into smaller groups during video calls in Meet. You can also jump between breakout rooms to monitor and participate in discussions.

While only event creators (you with your Enterprise for Education account) can create breakout rooms, anyone with a Google account that is joining from the web or through the Meet app can be a participant.

Read more here → Use breakout rooms in Google Meet


With polls in Meet, you can set up multiple questions, viewable to only you, and launch the poll when it’s timely during the online lesson or meeting.

Once a poll is closed, you will receive a report with the tally of the results to make it easy to refer back to. You can then share the results of the poll so that participants can see a summarized bar chart. You will also automatically receive an email containing an export of the poll data in Google Sheets.

Read more here → Conduct polls in Google Meet


Probably more structured than using the Chat function - participants can submit and upvote their favorite questions without disrupting the flow of a Meet. Q&A needs to be turned on by the teacher, for each lesson, as it is disabled by default. Participants can ask questions and interact with other participants’ questions by upvoting. When the meeting ends, hosts will automatically receive an email containing an export of all submitted questions, so they can follow up on unanswered questions.

Read more here → Ask participants questions in Google Meet

Attendance tracking

I am not 100% that this feature has fully rolled out to International School of Geneva - Campus des Nations staff yet... first person to send me an attendance CSV report gets a prize!

After a video call with at least 5 participants, you as the meeting organizer will receive an email with an attached attendance CSV report with the following info:

  • Participant’s name
  • Participant’s email
  • Length of time participant was in the Meet, including timestamps of when they first joined and when they left the call. If someone joins and leaves the call more than once, multiple timestamps won’t be listed, but their overall call duration will be included.