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The 'How do you know what you don’t know?' newsletter
I write a (roughly) weekly newsletter. On a Tuesday, something not too long, four items in total, with the hope that you find something that you didn’t know and that is useful to you..
How do you know what you don’t know? It is about spreading some of the things that I am finding useful and sharing it in an easily accessible and digestible way.
The first item will be for all geography teachers and students based on bigger ideas and everyday geographies. The idea behind the second item is something that is more focused on the needs of IB DP geographers, educators and students. The third section is a quick update on something I am working on. The fourth and final item will be bit more random - often with a digital focus.
The ‘How do you know what you don’t know?’ newsletter is free, and isn’t (just) for geographers!